Dreaming Canvas - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 8 minutes Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 5 destinations Number of missable trophies: 0 because you can choose any destination from main menu
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Dreaming Canvas is a very easy game (walking simulator) in terms of trophies:
Select a destination and find the people for the trophy. Usually, they stay near a big red-light pillar than can be seen from afar
Destinations 1, 3 and 4 have 2 people and destinations 2 and 5 have 1 person
Check the video from below for a complete walkthrough with all trophies obtained.
Where the screams fuse with clouds
Can be found in destination 1.
Where you celebrate the green and the blue
Can be found in destination 1.
Hiking till your last breath
Can be found in destination 2.
The tropical blaze never ends
Can be found in destination 3.
Solemn and the beauty
Can be found in destination 3.
Rebel without sandals engulfed in dust
Can be found in destination 4.
Where the possibility defines the style
Can be found in destination 4.
Check my inner beauty and tranquility
Can be found in destination 5.
Trophy Roadmap
Destination 1
Expressionist - Where the screams fuse with clouds
Naturalist - Where you celebrate the green and the blue
Destination 2
Realism - Hiking till your last breath
Destination 3
Rococo - The tropical blaze never ends
Romanticism - Solemn and the beauty
Destination 4
Fauvism - Rebel without sandals engulfed in dust
Dadaism - Where the possibility defines the style
Destination 5
Impressionist - Check my inner beauty and tranquility