Dragon Age: Inquisition - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Part 4 - Walkthrough: The Fallow Mire, Forbidden Oasis, Skyhold, Exalted Plains

Difficulty: 5/10
Duration: 75-100 hours main game + 10 hours for Jaws of Hakkon + 5 hours for The Descent + 25 hours for Trespasser Offline trophies: 51 + 4 + 4 + 11 Online trophies: None
DLC: 3 (2/10 difficulty - Jaws of Hakkon, 3/10 difficulty - The Descent, 5/10 difficulty - Trespasser) Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 on Nightmare for main game + another 1 started for some Trials in the Trespasser DLC Number of missable trophies: 6 + 1 + 0 + 8
The Fallow Mire
Lost Souls
Cabin Fever
These Demons Are Clever
Beacons in the Dark
Beneath the Mire
Forbidden Oasis
The Temple of Pride
What It's Worth
The Door in Par'as Cavern
The Fire Captured
The Cold Endured
The Spirit Calmed
A Prideful Place
Welcome to Skyhold
Inquisition Trappings
Rune Crafting
Advanced Crafting
A Greener Garden
A Better Courtyard
Fragment of Inadequate Chain Mail
Scattered in Skyhold
A Superior Tower
Exalted Plains
Undead Ramparts to the West
Lay Rest the Western Ramparts
A Dalish Perspective
Someone to Lose
The Golden Halla
From the Beyond
The Spoils of Desecration
Scattered Glyphs
Something to Prove
A Father's Guidance
Another Side, Another Story
Lay Rest the Eastern Ramparts
Calming Victory Rise
Left to Grieve
Ghilan'nain's Grove
No Word Back
By the Grace of the Dalish
Map of Enavuris
Sketch of Enavuris River
Map of Halin'sulahn
A Well Stocked Camp
For the Empire
A Familiar Ring
Pressed for Cache