Dragon Age: Inquisition - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Part 1 - Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide + Trophy Roadmap

Difficulty: 5/10
Duration: 75-100 hours main game + 10 hours for Jaws of Hakkon + 5 hours for The Descent + 25 hours for Trespasser Offline trophies: 51 + 4 + 4 + 11 Online trophies: None
DLC: 3 (2/10 difficulty - Jaws of Hakkon, 3/10 difficulty - The Descent, 5/10 difficulty - Trespasser) Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 on Nightmare for main game + another 1 started for some Trials in the Trespasser DLC Number of missable trophies: 6 + 1 + 0 + 8
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Dragon Age™: Inquisition Platinum Trophy Collect all the Dragon Age™: Inquisition trophies. Dragon Age: Inquistion is a medium game in terms of trophy difficulties:
Complete the whole game on Nightmare difficulty
Kill 10 high dragons
During the quest What Pride Had Wrought choose to drink from the well of sorrows.
During the quest Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts, you need more than 85 court approval
Recruit all 9 companions, commit to a romantic relationship with one of them and befriend 3 of them, and Acquire 10 Inquisition agents
Harvest 50 herbs from Skyhold's garden
Shop/Character Trophies: Buy 5 mounts, enchant an item, complete, Upgrade any ability, choose a specialization, Craft an item from Tier 4 materials in all non-masterwork slots, Upgrade your alchemic potions, grenades, or tonics 30 times, Spend 10 points in a single ability tree, Earn 50,000 or more gold, Reach level 20, Reach level 10 for Inquisition
Complete: 15 astrariums, 10 campsites, 3 keeps, 50 war table missions, 20 requisition requests, Seal 75 rifts
Gather: 1 velfire rune, all 114 shards and complete the side quest Forbidden Oasis - A Prideful Place, 250 codex entries
Gameplay Trophies: Trigger a cross-class combo with a character you control in single-player mode, Land a single blow more than 1,000 damage, Defeat 1,000 demons, Defeat 2,500 enemies
Skyhold Trophies: Harvest 50 herbs from Skyhold's garden, Purchase any new decoration element, Completely upgrade one throne.
DLC Jaws of Hakkon:
Complete all the main missions
Destroy the 7 fire braziers and 8 winter shards in the Old Temple
Get 5/7 friends points by completing: 2 war table missions or 5 side quests
DLC The Descent:
Complete all main missions
Comple a mission at the expedition table
DLC Trespasser:
Hardest DLC it has 2 parts: additional content and challenges
Challenges on the same save game: Slay 10 great bears promoted by Grizzly End, Defeat 20 foes promoted by Walk Softly.
New save game and activate those from beginning: Take It Slow on: reach Skyhold at level 5 or less, Fair-Weather Friends always on: enter Halamshiral with all followers.
Continue same save game from before and activate these other challenges after disabling the ones from above: Rest Easy trial always on in Emprise du Lion: claim Suledin Keep, Rub Some Dirt on It on: slay the Hivernal high dragon, Even Ground on: slay a level 16 or higher Fereldan Frostback
New content from Trespasser: finish all the quests, find all the 4 caches near the wolves' statues and find the 4 items that make up the Taken Shape
The Wrath of Heaven - Story
Finish the prologue.
Obtained after completing The Wrath of Heaven.
Opposition in All Things - Story
Close the Breach.
Obtained after starting In Your Heart Shall Burn.
In Your Heart Shall Burn - Story
Survive an attack on the Inquisition.
Obtained after completing In Your Heart Shall Burn.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts - Story
Make an impression on the Orlesian court.
Obtained after completing Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
Here Lies the Abyss - Story
Face your fears in the Fade.
Obtained after completing the quest Here Lies the Abyss.
What Pride Had Wrought - Story
Reach an ancient ruin before your enemies.
Obtained after completing What Pride Had Wrought.
On Burning Wings - Missable
Recruit a powerful ally to even the score.
During the quest What Pride Had Wrought choose to drink from the well of sorrows.
After that just complete the quest The Final Piece.
Doom upon All the World - Story
End the threat once and for all.
Obtained after completing the quest Doom Upon All the World.
The Brightest of Their Age - Missable
Recruit all possible companions in a single playthrough.
There are 9 companions, but you get already 3 from beginning.
Then you only need to recruit: Sera and Vivienne from Val Royeaux, Blackwall from The Hinterlands, Iron Bull from Storm Coast, Dorian, and Cole depends on the allegiance with mages or templars.
Beloved and Precious - Missable
Commit to a romantic relationship.
To romance a character always talk with them, agree with them, and do missions for them.
You can romance 8 characters, but it all depends on your race and gender:
Blackwall - female
Cassandra - male
Cullen - human and elven female
Dorian - male
Iron Bull - female and male
Josephine - male and female
Sera - female
Solas - elven female
They Who Stand
Recruit a new companion.
Obtained at the end of Blackwall - The Lone Warden since this is the closest companion quest you can do, or later on by just completing any companion quest to recruit them.
Speak Only the Word - Story
Gain access to a major city for the Inquisition.
Unlocked during the quest The Threat Remains when you visit Val Royeaux.
Saddled Up
Purchase or secure five different mounts of any kind.
After you reach Skyhold, you can visit the stables vendor and buy the 5 mounts from there.
Craft a weapon or piece of armor in single-player mode.
Obtained at the end of side quest Haven - The Right Armor or by just crafting any armor or weapon.
Enchant or upgrade a piece of equipment in single-player mode.
Obtained at the end of side quest Haven - Piece by Piece or by just enchanting any equipment.
Complete a timed mission on the war table.
Another trophy which will come early into the story.
Go to war council room, interact with war table, and complete a mission from there.
Just wait then for the mission to be completed by itself.
Discover a campsite and establish an Inquisition camp in any wilderness area.
Another trophy that will come naturally during gameplay.
Just find any camp.
Find and recover a shard identified by an ocularum.
Find an ocularum and use it to spot shards, then go and collect them.
Discover a veilfire rune.
The first run you can discover is during the side quest Solas - Measuring the Veil.
You need to have a mage in your party so he can create the veilfire in the brazier. Then ignite your torch and find the rune on the wall.
Upgrade any ability once in single-player mode.
Go to abilities and spend skill points on any of it.
Will come naturally.
Choose a specialization class.
After you complete the mission Specialists for the Inquisitor from the War Table, 3 trainers will come to Skyhold and will be able to teach you a specialization.
Choose one of those 3 specializations and receive this trophy.
Secure a mount.
Obtained during the quest The Hinterlands - Master of Horses or just buy later on a mount.
Trigger a cross-class combo with a character you control in single-player mode.
Very easy at the beginning.
When you see Solas freezing an enemy do an attack that shatter him, like mighty blow, shield bash, twin fangs, longshot.
You will most likely get this trophy by normal gameplay without even thinking about it.
Harvest 50 herbs from Skyhold's garden in a single playthrough.
You can obtain seeds when you harvest herbs.
After to visit the garden in Skyhold you can then plant 2 seeds so you can get herbs next time when you visit Skyhold.
You can upgrade the garden to be able to plant 6 seeds instead of 2.
Kill a high dragon in single-player mode.
There are 10 high dragons in the game.
See the walkthrough guide on how to defeat all 10 of them on nightmare difficulty.
Purchase any new decoration element for Skyhold.
In skyhold go to the decorator merchant and buy the cheapest one for this quick and easy trophy.
Belle of the Ball - Missable
Gain the full approval of the Orlesian court.
You need more than 85 court approval and to choose the option I'll talk with the assassin.
Follow the walkthrough to see how to get this trophy from 1st try.
Hard Hitter
Land a single blow in excess of 1,000 damage in single-player mode.
This will come naturally as you level up and improve your weapons and skills.
Master Builder
Craft an item from Tier 4 materials in all non-masterwork slots in single-player mode.
In order to craft tier 4 item, you need dragon bones, dragon scales and dragon webbings.
Master Alchemist
Upgrade your alchemic potions, grenades, or tonics 30 times in a single playthrough.
Go to the upgrade potions table and perform 30 upgrades.
Dragons' Bane
Slay 10 high dragons in single-player mode.
There are 10 high dragons in the game.
See the walkthrough guide on how to defeat all 10 of them on nightmare difficulty.
Finish the single-player campaign on at least Hard without lowering the difficulty.
Obtained after the mission Doom Upon All the World if you played the whole game on Hard difficulty.
It is recommended to play on Nightmare from first try so you can get both difficulty trophies.
Finish the single-player campaign on Nightmare without lowering the difficulty.
Obtained after the mission Doom Upon All the World if you played the whole game on Nightmare difficulty.
It is recommended to play on Nightmare from first try so you can get both difficulty trophies.
Unlock 15 astrariums in a single playthrough.
There are 15 astrariums scattered as groups of 3 in: The Hinterlands, The Storm Coast, Crestwood, Emerald Graves, and The Western Approach.
Spend 10 points in a single ability tree with any one single-player character.
Go to abilities and spend 10 skill points.
This will come naturally.
Earn 50,000 or more gold across all single-player playthroughs.
You should get this naturally by just playing the game and doing missions.
Enter the heart of the Solasan temple.
You need to gather all 114 shards and then complete the side quest Forbidden Oasis - A Prideful Place.
Discover a campsite and establish at least one Inquisition camp in 10 wilderness areas.
There are 10 regions in the game, and you need to establish 1 camp in each of it.
Liberate three keeps in a single playthrough.
There are 3 keeps in the game: Caer Bronach in Crestwood, Griffon Wing Keep in The Western Approach and Suledin Keep in Emprise du Lion.
High Commander
Complete 50 missions or operations in a single playthrough.
Go to war council room, interact with war table, and complete 50 missions from there.
Just wait then for the mission to be completed by itself and repeat. You can start 3 missions at the same time.
Completely upgrade one throne.
Do the mission Gather Coin from the War Table.
Sometimes it can give Throne Accessory II so you will have to repeat the mission until you get it.
After you will get that accessory, the trophy will unlock.
Persuasive - Missable
Acquire 10 Inquisition agents in a single playthrough.
There are 23 agents and here is the list of where to find the first 10:
Lord Berand - Lornan’s Exile in The Hinterlands - Close the rift
Speaker Annais - Lornan’s Exile in The Hinterlands - Close the rift - Listen and gather information
Smuggler Tanner - Redcliffe village in The Hinterlands - Business Arrangement - Use Cassandra
Enchanter Ellendra - Near the Crossroads in The Hinterlands - My Lover’s Phylactery - Use Vivienne
Horsemaster Dennet - Redcliffe Farms in the western part of The Hinterlands - Use Casandra
Ritts - The Hinterlands - Strange Bedfellow
Corporal Vale's Irregulars - Near the Crossroads in The Hinterlands
Merchant Belle - Val Royeaux market plaza - left of the stage, must be done first time when you visit Val Royeaux
Sky Watcher - The Fallow Mire - The Lost Souls
Blades of Hesserian - Storm Coast - Craft Amulet of Mercy before entering the fort
Reach level 20 in single-player mode.
This will come naturally if you will do both main and side quests.
Level up the Inquisition to rank 10.
You should reach the rank 10 of by just playing normally, doing quests, and cleaning the maps.
People Person - Missable
Become friends with at least three of your inner circle in one playthrough.
In order to become friends, always talk with them after a main quest and try to agree with them on what they say.
Do the quest that give to you, and also take them with you when you are doing those quests.
Collect 250 codex entries in a single playthrough.
This will come naturally if you play the game.
There are more than 500 codex in the game so if you play to try and get all the trophies this should unlock after reaching and exploring Storm Coast a bit.
Defeat 1,000 demons in single-player mode.
Will come naturally if you are doing both main and side quests and also clearing the maps.
Defeat 2,500 enemies in single-player mode.
Will come naturally if you are doing both main and side quests and also clearing the maps.
Complete 20 requisition requests in a single playthrough.
In each camp you will find a requisitions table on which you can craft various items that are need it.
Marked for Greatness
Seal 75 rifts in a single playthrough.
Rifts can be found on each map.
Each rift will spawn more and more enemies, and sometimes even harder, when you are trying to close it.
Trophy Roadmap
Nightmare difficulty
The Wrath of Heaven
Synergized - Trigger a cross-class combo with a character you control in single-player mode.
The Wrath of Heaven - Finish the prologue.
The Threat Remains
Trailblazer - Discover a campsite and establish an Inquisition camp in any wilderness area.
Sharp-Eyed - Find and recover a shard identified by an ocularum.
Speak Only the Word - Gain access to a major city for the Inquisition.
Haven - Haven's Best and Brightest
Haven - The Right Armor
Well-Prepared - Craft a weapon or piece of armor in single-player mode.
Haven - Piece by Piece
Customized - Enchant or upgrade a piece of equipment in single-player mode.
Haven - Mixing Potions
Haven - Passing Notes
Haven - Know Thy Enemy
Skilled - Upgrade any ability once in single-player mode.
Commander - Complete a timed mission on the war table.
The Hinterlands - Master of Horses
Cavalier - Secure a mount.
The Hinterlands - Trouble with Wolves
The Hinterlands - Farmland Security
Blackwall - The Lone Warden
They Who Stand - Recruit a new companion.
The Hinterlands - Strange Bedfellows
The Hinterlands - Horses for the Inquisition
The Hinterlands - Love Waits
The Hinterlands - Praise the Herald of Andraste
The Hinterlands - East Road Bandits
The Hinterlands - Agrarian Apostate
The Hinterlands - Templars to the West
The Hinterlands - Hunger Pangs
The Hinterlands - Apostates in Witchwood
The Hinterlands - In the Elements
The Hinterlands - My Lover's Phylactery
The Hinterlands - Shallow Breaths
The Hinterlands - In the Saddle
The Hinterlands - Sketch of Calenhad's Foothold
The Hinterlands - Map to a Waterfall
The Hinterlands - Map of Farmland Cave
The Hinterlands - Blood Brothers
The Hinterlands - Stone Dreams
The Hinterlands - Open a Vein
The Hinterlands - Conscientious Objector
The Hinterlands - Safeguards Against Looters
The Hinterlands - Failure to Deliver
The Hinterlands - Where the Druffalo Roam
The Hinterlands - Playing with Fire
The Hinterlands - The Mercenary Fortress
The Hinterlands - Return Policy
Solas - Measuring the Veil
Well-Read - Discover a veilfire rune.
The Hinterlands - Bergrit's Claws
Sera - A Friend of Red Jenny
Vivienne - The Imperial Enchanter
The Hinterlands - Business Arrangements
The Hinterlands - A Healing Hand
The Hinterlands - A Common Treatment
The Hinterlands - An Advanced Treatment
The Hinterlands - A Rare Treatment
The Hinterlands - A Spirit in the Lake
The Hinterlands - Flowers for Senna
Iron Bull - The Captain of the Chargers
The Hinterlands - Deep Trouble
The Hinterlands - The Vault of Valammar
Focused - Spend 10 points in a single ability tree with any one single-player character.
The Hinterlands - Hinterland Who's Who
The Storm Coast - Cleaning House
Persuasive - Acquire 10 Inquisition agents in a single playthrough.
The Storm Coast - Wardens of the Coast
Loremaster - Collect 250 codex entries in a single playthrough.
The Storm Coast - A Glowing Key
The Fallow Mire - Lost Souls
The Fallow Mire - Cabin Fever
Forbidden Oasis - The Temple of Pride
Forbidden Oasis - What It's Worth
Forbidden Oasis - The Door in Par'as Cavern
Hard Hitter - Land a single blow in excess of 1,000 damage in single-player mode.
The Fallow Mire - These Demons Are Clever
The Fallow Mire - Beacons in the Dark
The Fallow Mire - Beneath the Mire
In Hushed Whispers
In Your Heart Shall Burn
Opposition in All Things - Close the Breach.
The Brightest of Their Age - Recruit all possible companions in a single playthrough.
In Your Heart Shall Burn - Survive an attack on the Inquisition.
Skyhold - Welcome to Skyhold
Skyhold - Inquisition Trappings
Cole - The Forgotten Boy
High Commander - Complete 50 missions or operations in a single playthrough.
Saddled Up - Purchase or secure five different mounts of any kind.
Skyhold - Rune Crafting
Skyhold - Advanced Crafting
From the Ashes
Cassandra - Guilty Pleasures
Dorian - Last Resort of Good Men
The Storm Coast - Keeping the Darkspawn Down
Skyhold - A Greener Garden
Exalted Plains - Undead Ramparts to the West
Exalted Plains - Lay Rest the Western Ramparts
Exalted Plains - A Dalish Perspective
Exalted Plains - Someone to Lose
Exalted Plains - The Golden Halla
Exalted Plains - From the Beyond
Exalted Plains - The Spoils of Desecration
Exalted Plains - Scattered Glyphs
Exalted Plains - Something to Prove
Solas - All New, Faded for Her
Exalted Plains - A Father's Guidance
Exalted Plains - Another Side, Another Story
Exalted Plains - Lay Rest the Eastern Ramparts
Exalted Plains - Calming Victory Rise
Dorian - One Less Venatori
Exalted Plains - Left to Grieve
Exalted Plains - Ghilan'nain's Grove
Exalted Plains - No Word Back
Exalted Plains - By the Grace of the Dalish
Regal - Completely upgrade one throne.
Exalted Plains - Map of Enavuris
Exalted Plains - Sketch of Enavuris River
Exalted Plains - Map of Halin'sulahn
Skyhold - A Better Courtyard
Emerald Graves - Watcher's Reach Refugees
Emerald Graves - The Freemen of the Dales
Emerald Graves - A Fallen Sister
Emerald Graves - Not Everyone's Free
Emerald Graves - A Vicious Thug
Quartermaster - Complete 20 requisition requests in a single playthrough.
Decorator - Purchase any new decoration element for Skyhold.
Emerald Graves - Devotion
Emerald Graves - A Deluded Chevalier
Emerald Graves - Noble Deeds, Noble Heart
Emerald Graves - A Lover's Promise
Emerald Graves - Observing the Menace
The Storm Coast - Red Water
Skyhold - Fragment of Inadequate Chain Mail
Emerald Graves - Last Wishes
Emerald Graves - Map of Watcher's Pass
Emerald Graves - Motherly Encouragement
Skyhold - Scattered in Skyhold
Skyhold - A Superior Tower
Emerald Graves - A Corrupt General
Emerald Graves - Safe Keeping
Emerald Graves - Victims of War
The Storm Coast - Sutherland and Company Missing
Emerald Graves - A Puppet Master
Emerald Graves - A Bear to Cross
Emerald Graves - Map of Elgar'nan's Bastion
Emerald Graves - Chateau d'Onterre
Master Alchemist - Upgrade your alchemic potions, grenades, or tonics 30 times in a single playthrough.
Exalted Plains - A Well Stocked Camp
Exalted Plains - For the Empire
Exalted Plains - A Familiar Ring
Exalted Plains - Pressed for Cache
Peerless - Level up the Inquisition to rank 10.
Lost Temple of Dirthamen - God of Secrets
Lost Temple of Dirthamen - Runes in the Lost Temple
Forbidden Oasis - The Fire Captured
The Western Approach - The Venatori
The Western Approach - On the Chantry Trail
The Western Approach - Draconology
Varric - Seeing Red
Vivienne - Favors the First Enchanter
The Western Approach - Frederic's Livelihood
The Western Approach - Hunting Patterns
The Western Approach - How to Lure a Dragon
The Western Approach - Sharper White Claws
The Western Approach - A Tevinter Relic Hunt
The Western Approach - The Heart of the Still Ruins
The Western Approach - A Stranger Rift in the Ruins
The Western Approach - A Manuscript of Some Authority
The Western Approach - Assault on Griffon Wing Keep
The Western Approach - This Water Tastes Funny
Botanist - Harvest 50 herbs from Skyhold's garden in a single playthrough.
Well-Funded - Earn 50,000 or more gold across all single-player playthroughs.
The Western Approach - The Trouble with Darkspawn
Forbidden Oasis - The Cold Endured
The Hinterlands - Fereldan Frostback
Wyrmslayer - Kill a high dragon in single-player mode.
Emprise du Lion - The Corruption of Sahrnia
Cassandra - Unfinished Business
Emprise du Lion - Stalker
The Hinterlands - Letter from a Lover
Emprise du Lion - Valeska's Watch
Blackwall - Memories of the Grey
Emprise du Lion - Take Back the Lion
Emprise du Lion - Mama's Ring
Emprise du Lion - Turning the Tables
Emprise du Lion - Rocky Rescue
Emprise du Lion - Red Captors
Emprise du Lion - Quarry Quandary
Emprise du Lion - Caged Confession
Emprise du Lion - Words not Hollow
Emprise du Lion - Capturing Suledin Keep
Emprise du Lion - Call Me Imshael
Emprise du Lion - They Shall Not Pass
Emerald Graves - The Tiniest Cave
Sera - The Verchiel March
Emprise du Lion - Sifting Through Rubble
Emprise du Lion - Securing Safe Passage
Veteran - Reach level 20 in single-player mode.
Cradle of Sulevin - Ruined Blade
Cullen - Before the Dawn
Solas - What Lies Dormant
People Person - Become friends with at least three of your inner circle in one playthrough.
Iron Bull - Demands of the Qun
Marked for Greatness - Seal 75 rifts in a single playthrough.
Hissing Wastes - Field of Bones
Invincible - Defeat 2,500 enemies in single-player mode.
Hissing Wastes - Let's Slay the Beast
Demonslayer - Defeat 1,000 demons in single-player mode.
Hissing Wastes - Sand and Ruin
Hissing Wastes - The Tomb of Fairel
Hissing Wastes - Notes on the Wastes
Specializations - Way of the Reaver
Specialized - Choose a specialization class.
Exalted Plains - Gamordan Stormrider
Josephine - Of Somewhat Fallen Fortune
Emerald Graves - Greater Mistral
Crestwood - Capturing Caer Bronach
Liberator - Liberate three keeps in a single playthrough.
Crestwood - Still Waters
Crestwood - Homecoming
Crestwood - Burdens of Command
Crestwood - Northern Hunter
Pathfinder - Discover a campsite and establish at least one Inquisition camp in 10 wilderness areas.
Crestwood - Weeding Out Bandits
Crestwood - The Naturalist
Stargazer - Unlock 15 astrariums in a single playthrough.
Crestwood - High Stakes
Crestwood - Wyrm Hole
The Western Approach - Fortress Squatters
Here Lies the Abyss
Here Lies the Abyss - Face your fears in the Fade.
Fade - Fears of the Dreamers
Fade - Broken Window
Cullen - Perseverance
Varric - Well, Shit
Cole - Subjected to His Will
Cassandra - Promise of Destruction
Cassandra - The Ideal Romance
Beloved and Precious - Commit to a romantic relationship.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
Winter Palace - Red Jenny's Stashes
Winter Palace - Herd of Stone Halla
Winter Palace - Throwing Away Money
Winter Palace - The Great Blackmail Hunt
Belle of the Ball - Gain the full approval of the Orlesian court.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts - Make an impression on the Orlesian court.
Blackwall - Revelations
Vivienne - Bring Me the Heart of Snow White
Leliana - The Left Hand of the Divine
Emerald Graves - The Knights' Tomb
What Pride Had Wrought
What Pride Had Wrought - Reach an ancient ruin before your enemies.
Master Builder - Craft an item from Tier 4 materials in all non-masterwork slots in single-player mode.
The Final Piece
On Burning Wings - Recruit a powerful ally to even the score.
Doom Upon All the World
Herald - Finish the single-player campaign on at least Hard without lowering the difficulty.
Inquisitor - Finish the single-player campaign on Nightmare without lowering the difficulty.
Doom upon All the World - End the threat once and for all.
The Storm Coast - Vinsomer
Hissing Wastes - Sandy Howler
Emprise du Lion - Breeding Grounds
Emprise du Lion - Hivernal
Emprise du Lion - Kaltenzahn
Emprise du Lion - Highland Ravager
Dragons' Bane - Slay 10 high dragons in single-player mode.
Forbidden Oasis - The Spirit Calmed
Forbidden Oasis - A Prideful Place
Keymaster - Enter the heart of the Solasan temple.
Dragon Age™: Inquisition Platinum Trophy - Collect all the Dragon Age™: Inquisition trophies.