Dead Station - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 45 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 12
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 4.99 € / 4.99 $
Trophies: 23 (1P, 7G, 13S, 2B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Frigging space!
Unlock all trophies
Dead Station is an action game published by Chilidog Interactive.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which will take you around 45 minutes:
Being a game published by Chilidog, of course it has the famous cheat code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Right, Left, Left, Right, Triangle
Use the cheat code in the main menu so you can enable God mode
The game is quite short and straight forward so as long and you make sure to explore the whole levels, break all the boxes and open all the lockers, then you shouldn't miss any trophy
The most hidden trophies are the 3 secret location which can be missed if you do not spot the vents that needs to be break
Unfortunately, if you miss any trophy, you will need to start a new game
Surprise, I need a key card - Story
Get a key card
Usually found inside boxes or lockers.
Cannot be missed since it is required to progress the story.
Rays of healing - Missable
Get a first aid kit
Usually found inside boxes or lockers.
Pro hacker - Story
Perform a hack
Cannot be missed since it is required to progress the story.
First note - Missable
Read the note #1
Usually found on walls on the main path, just make sure to press the circle button next to them to read them.
Master of pipe - Story
Get a pipe
Cannot be missed since it is required to progress the story.
Explosive purchase - Missable
Get a grenade
Usually found inside boxes or lockers.
Secret room - Missable
Find the secret location #1
The most hidden trophies are the 3 secret locations which can be missed if you do not spot the vents that need to break.
Unfortunately, if you miss any trophy, you will need to start a new game.
Geary gear - Missable
Get a first gear
Usually found inside boxes or lockers.
Gas cylinder destruction - Missable
Destroy a gas cylinder
There are around 4 gas cylinders that you can break during your walkthrough.
Get a shotgun
Can be found on the main path, just make sure to open the chest to get it.
Mine - Missable
Get a mine
Usually found inside boxes or lockers.
Second note - Missable
Read the note #2
Usually found on walls on the main path, just make sure to press the circle button next to them to read them.
Last note - Missable
Read the note #3
Usually found on walls on the main path, just make sure to press the circle button next to them to read them.
Inevitable appearance of carting - Story
Ride a cart
Story trophy.
Not gonna get us - Story
Escape from the big monster
Story trophy.
No more secrets, no more lies - Missable
Find the secret location #2
The most hidden trophies are the 3 secret locations which can be missed if you do not spot the vents that need to break.
Unfortunately, if you miss any trophy, you will need to start a new game.
Massive and witless - Story
Defeat the big monster
Story trophy.
Who touched my turret?!
Use the turret
Found it on the main path near the end of the game.
Make sure to press the circle button so you can use it once.
Waste of space - Story
Story trophy.
Only secrets here - Missable
Find the secret location #3
The most hidden trophies are the 3 secret locations which can be missed if you do not spot the vents that need to break.
Unfortunately, if you miss any trophy, you will need to start a new game.
My first skill point - Story
Get a skill point
You will get a skill point after you defeat the first monster.
Gears of improvement - Missable
Spend a gear to upgrade weapon on workbench
During levels, you will find some workbenches on which you can upgrade your pipe and shotgun.
Trophy Roadmap
Surprise, I need a key card - Get a key card
Rays of healing - Get a first aid kit
Pro hacker - Perform a hack
First note - Read the note #1
Master of pipe - Get a pipe
Mine - Get a mine
My first skill point - Get a skill point
Secret room - Find the secret location #1
Explosive purchase - Get a grenade
Gas cylinder destruction - Destroy a gas cylinder
Shotgun - Get a shotgun
Geary gear - Get a first gear
Second note - Read the note #2
Gears of improvement - Spend a gear to upgrade weapon on workbench
No more secrets, no more lies - Find the secret location #2
Last note - Read the note #3
Inevitable appearance of carting - Ride a cart
Not gonna get us - Escape from the big monster
Only secrets here - Find the secret location #3
Massive and witless - Defeat the big monster
Who touched my turret?! - Use the turret
Waste of space - Escape
Frigging space! - Unlock all trophies