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Darkestville Castle - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Updated: Sep 6, 2023

Darkestville Castle - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10

Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None

DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Number of missable trophies: 21


Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Darkestville Demon

Keep the key to the castle.

Darkestville Castle is a very easy game in terms of trophies:

  • Check the video from below for a complete walkthrough with all trophies obtained

  • Even though some trophies are missable, the steps to get them are very easy

  • You can obtain platinum as soon as you reach final act

Secrets fan - Missable

There’s nothing behind the picture.

Look and grab the 3 pictures: 1 is in castle hall (prelude) and 2 are in mayor house (chapter 1)

147 times - Missable

So it’s all about Dan again and again and again...

Exhaust all the conversation options with Dan in the prelude.

Repair guy - Story

You've got talent for that.

Repair the trap mechanism in the prelude.

Old habits - Missable

Trash is important… most of the times.

Search the 5 trash cans from chapter 1: 1 in castle yard, 1 in the town center outside the tavern, 1 inside the tavern, 2 in town alley

Sid’s personal friends club - Missable

Darkestville is a city of communication.

Look and talk with all 13 people from prelude and chapter 1.

Death is fun - Missable

Who were these fellows?

Investigate the 7 tombstones from the graveyard in chapter 1.

Lullaby for Walrus - Story

You mom always said, that you shouldn’t drink something you’re not confident about.

Steal the key from Walrus during chapter 1

Big Pie Raptor - Story

I swear, I saw it!

Steal the key from Mongoose during chapter 1.

There's Something About Dan - Missable

It seems I didn’t’ know much about Dan. He’s such a nice guy!

Ask about Dan while talking with the 3 Romero brothers during chapter 1.

Pickupartist - Missable

He-he-he… he-he-he

Tell Foxy she looks pretty during chapter 1.

Hell gate Keymaster - Story

Important thing is not to be eaten by chest.

Steal the key from Foxy during chapter 1.

Freedom! - Story

As I said, you’ve got a talent.

Escape from the cell during interlude 1.

Gismo! - Missable

Do you remember, what water and gremlins have in common?

Learn about the good stuff from the 3 demons in front of your castle during chapter 2.

Nam Flashbacks - Missable

Do you still trust vegans?

Exhaust all conversation option with Mr. Rodriguez in chapter 2.

Demonologist - Missable

Grave New World.

Look and talk with all 11 demons from chapter 2.

Know your rights - Missable

Such a politically correct lycanthrope.

Exhaust all conversation option with Werewolf in chapter 2.

Bureaucrat - Missable

Are you serious? What a bore?

Exhaust all conversation option with Mr. Piglenton in chapter 2.

Language barrier - Missable

Bzzz? Bzzzzh!

Exhaust all conversation option with Betsy in chapter 2 before and after using the spores on her.

Honorary Biologist - Missable

What's the difference between mushrooms and buttercups?

Fully inspect the book that you get from the trash from the castle yard in chapter 1.

Cheater - Story

Presto! Why did I not think of this before?

Beat the demon at dice during chapter 2.

Wimp - Missable

Confused, aren’t you? Well, you should be.

Press dpad up.

Who’s there? - Missable

Wall? What wall?

Ask Giovanny if he has a TRex during chapter 2.

Imagination - Story

It might have no wheels, still it’s a motorcycle.

Get the paper boat from the sailor demon during chapter 2.


(an awesome jingle plays here)

Obtain the cafe de la muerto from Giovanny during chapter 2.

Medic! Medic! - Story

You didn't want to but you had to.

Heal mongoose and wake up walrus during chapter 2.

Strike - Story

Why didn’t I join the Demon Trade Union?

Help Mr. Piglenton to leave the strike during chapter 2.

Thank you for your call - Story

The real Hell is tech support.

Talk with tech support during interlude 2.


You’re not that much of a hacker.

Use all the wrong password during interlude 2.

Terror of the Hell - Story

You found you Kindred Spirit.

Find the wanted guy in the sewers in chapter 3.

Survivalist - Missable

At least we’ve found a coupon inside.

After getting the discount coupon from the magazine, investigate it one more time during chapter 3.

Huckster - Story

I did say you’ve got a talent, didn’t I?

Exchange diamonds for broken VHS and remote-control during chapter 3.

Connoisseur of drinks - Missable

It’s pretty hard to say no to alcohol.

Drink all the type of drinks during chapter 3.

Handyman - Story

We don’t burn bridges – we build them!

Repair the bridge from lavafall in chapter 3.

Burglar - Story

I didn’t know it’s there.

Discover the secret cave behind the lavafall during chapter 3.

Bookworm - Missable

You’re not just a Biologist now.

Find the old book in the market during chapter 3 and fully inspect it.

Hi there! - Story

This ghost is vaguely familiar to you.

Use snake with the first ghost in portal room during chapter 3.

Family ties - Story

I guess, I’m starting to put all this together (actually no).

Use the 3 items with the slots in the portal room.

Catch me if you can - Missable

It’s useless, Vigo, useless!

You might miss it if you move too fast so i would recommend let Vigo catch you 3 times during final act, then complete it.


Trophy Roadmap


Wimp - Confused, aren’t you? Well, you should be.

147 times - So it’s all about Dan again and again and again...

Repair guy - You've got talent for that.

Chapter 1

Honorary Biologist - What's the difference between mushrooms and buttercups?

Old habits - Trash is important… most of the times.

Secrets fan - There’s nothing behind the picture.

Sid’s personal friends club - Darkestville is a city of communication.

Lullaby for Walrus - You mom always said, that you shouldn’t drink something you’re not confident about.

Death is fun - Who were these fellows?

Big Pie Raptor - I swear, I saw it!

There's Something About Dan - It seems I didn’t’ know much about Dan. He’s such a nice guy!

Pickupartist - He-he-he… he-he-he

Hell gate Keymaster - Important thing is not to be eaten by chest.

Interlude 1

Freedom! - As I said, you’ve got a talent.

Chapter 2

Gismo! - Do you remember, what water and gremlins have in common?

Nam Flashbacks - Do you still trust vegans?

Language barrier - Bzzz? Bzzzzh!

Know your rights - Such a politically correct lycanthrope.

Cheater - Presto! Why did I not think of this before?

Bureaucrat - Are you serious? What a bore?

Demonologist - Grave New World.

Imagination - It might have no wheels, still it’s a motorcycle.

Who’s there? - Wall? What wall?

EL CAFE DE LA MUERTO! - (an awesome jingle plays here)

Strike - Why didn’t I join the Demon Trade Union?

Medic! Medic! - You didn't want to but you had to.

Interlude 2

ACCESS DENIED - You’re not that much of a hacker.

Thank you for your call - The real Hell is tech support.

Chapter 3

Survivalist - At least we’ve found a coupon inside.

Bookworm - You’re not just a Biologist now.

Terror of the Hell - You found you Kindred Spirit.

Connoisseur of drinks - It’s pretty hard to say no to alcohol.

Huckster - I did say you’ve got a talent, didn’t I?

Handyman - We don’t burn bridges – we build them!

Burglar - I didn’t know it’s there.

Hi there! - This ghost is vaguely familiar to you.

Family ties - I guess, I’m starting to put all this together (actually no).

Final Act

Catch me if you can - It’s useless, Vigo, useless!

Darkestville Demon - Keep the key to the castle.

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