ChronoBreach Ultra - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 2 hours
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 2 chapters + 4 waves in arena mode
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 1
Price: 4.99 € / 4.99 $
Trophies: 19 (1P, 9G, 7S, 2B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Platinum ChronoBreach
Get all other trophies
ChronoBreach Ultra is a platform game developed by UpsilonGames and published by Ratalaika Games.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in around 1 or 2 hours depending on your skill:
Complete Chapter 2
During your walkthrough make sure to kill 300 total enemies
Use the farming spot i have showed in the video to keep collecting circuits, then quickly die and respawn in the same spot, until you reach 750 circuits
Purchase 3 weapons, i went for the 2 most expensive since they do a lot of damage, and for the cheapest one also, since you can only use 2 weapons
Purchase 1 skin, i went for the cheapest one
After completing chapter 2, you will unlock the arena mode. Reach wave 4 during arena mode.
Boot Sequence
Complete Chapter 1
Complete Chapter 2
Enemy Destroyer
Defeat 25 Total Enemies
Enemy Demolisher
Defeat 50 Total Enemies
Enemy Exterminator
Defeat 100 Total Enemies
Enemy Eradicator
Defeat 150 Total Enemies
Enemy Annihilator
Defeat 300 Total Enemies
Circuit Grabber
Collect 50 Total Circuits
Circuit Collector
Collect 100 Total Circuits
Circuit Fanatic
Collect 250 Total Circuits
Circuit Master
Collect 500 Total Circuits
Circuit Hoarder
Collect 750 Total Circuits
Use the farming spot i have showed in the video to keep collecting circuits, then quickly die and respawn in the same spot, until you reach 750 circuits
Armament Apprentice
Purchase a Weapon
Armament Enthusiast
Purchase 3 Weapons
Purchase 3 weapons, i went for the 2 most expensive since they do a lot of damage, and for the cheapest one also, since you can only use 2 weapons
Robot Outfitter
Purchase a Skin
Purchase 1 skin, i went for the cheapest one
Arena Newbie
Play Arena Mode
Arena Challenger
Reach Wave 2 in Arena Mode
Arena Champion
Reach Wave 4 in Arena Mode
After completing chapter 2, you will unlock the arena mode.
Reach wave 4 during arena mode.
Trophy Roadmap
Circuit Grabber - Collect 50 Total Circuits
Circuit Collector - Collect 100 Total Circuits
Enemy Destroyer - Defeat 25 Total Enemies
Circuit Fanatic - Collect 250 Total Circuits
Enemy Demolisher - Defeat 50 Total Enemies
Circuit Master - Collect 500 Total Circuits
Circuit Hoarder - Collect 750 Total Circuits
Enemy Exterminator - Defeat 100 Total Enemies
Boot Sequence - Complete Chapter 1
Armament Apprentice - Purchase a Weapon
Robot Outfitter - Purchase a Skin
Enemy Eradicator - Defeat 150 Total Enemies
Enemy Annihilator - Defeat 300 Total Enemies
Resistance - Complete Chapter 2
Armament Enthusiast - Purchase 3 Weapons
Arena Newbie - Play Arena Mode
Arena Challenger - Reach Wave 2 in Arena Mode
Arena Champion - Reach Wave 4 in Arena Mode
Platinum ChronoBreach - Get all other trophies