Cat and Ghostly Road - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 51 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 9.99 € / 9.99 $
Trophies: 22 (1P, 9G, 4S, 8B)
One day the artist saved a cat that was in trouble, and they began to live together. There were no signs of trouble until one day an evil spirit attacked the artist. After this, the artist became seriously ill and now the wise white cat must help his friend and save him from death.
To do this, you have to go on a dangerous journey into the world of ghosts and demons. Not all things here are what they seem: to see their true form, you need to have a special cat's vision.
It will be a difficult path, but not a single demon can stop you!
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Cloud Old Man
Good job! Completed all tasks!
Cat and Ghostly Road is an adventure game developed by BOV and published by Sometimes You.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in under 1 hour:
All the trophies are story related.
Just make sure that you are talking with all the humans, friendly ghosts, and animals that you encounter, because if you only interact with them with the quest items, you will miss the trophies which unlock when you talk with them.
Follow the video for a complete walkthrough with the platinum obtained in a single playthrough
Sign Of Light and Darkness
Received the sign of light and darkness
Phoenix Feather
Find Phoenix's feather
Buy poison
Flower of the dead
Find the Dead Flower
Find the House Spirit
Help the carp
Meeting a beautiful stranger
Talk to the beautiful stranger at the market
Mistress Yin
Talk to Lady Yin
Get scared
Talk to the Old Spider
Cloud Old Man
Talk to the Cloudy Old Man
Release the Cat Girl
Get rid of rats from the ship
Make a deal with the Lantern Ghost
Stamp of the master
Get the master's stamp
Scary stamp
Find the scary stamp
Mask of human cat
Get the cat-human mask
Traveler between the worlds
Take the Traveling Mushroom with you
Heart combiner
Help the Mushroom Princess
Play the Okarina
Defeat the Demon
Trophy Roadmap
Diplomat - Make a deal with the Lantern Ghost
Stamp of the master - Get the master's stamp
Dragon - Help the carp
Cloud Old Man - Talk to the Cloudy Old Man
Savior - Release the Cat Girl
Mask of human cat - Get the cat-human mask
Fright - Get scared
Traveler between the worlds - Take the Traveling Mushroom with you
Heart combiner - Help the Mushroom Princess
Friendly - Talk to the Old Spider
Phoenix Feather - Find Phoenix's feather
Scary stamp - Find the scary stamp
Musician - Play the Okarina
Ratcatcher - Get rid of rats from the ship
Meeting a beautiful stranger - Talk to the beautiful stranger at the market
Bogyman - Find the House Spirit
Poison - Buy poison
Flower of the dead - Find the Dead Flower
Sign Of Light and Darkness - Received the sign of light and darkness
Mistress Yin - Talk to Lady Yin
Win - Defeat the Demon
Cat and Ghostly Road Platinum - Good job! Completed all tasks!