Castle of no Escape - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 16 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 3 - 4
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Hero of the Castle
Get all other trophies
Castle of no Escape is an indie adventure game published by Xitilon.
In terms of trophies, it is a very easy and fast game:
Start a walkthrough with each of the 3 characters
Find the vendor and 1 gold
Attack an enemy and hope that he misses you when he strikes back
Find an orb and use it 2 times. The orb has a very low chance of spawning so you will waste most of the time trying to find it
Open 2 chests
Stay idle for 10 seconds
Face controller Jr.
Start the game as a champion
Just start the game with the champion by pressing the L1 button.
Bits and bites Jr.
Start the game as a bandit
Just start the game with the bandit by pressing the L2 button.
Papers of pain Jr.
Start the game as a shamaness
Just start the game with the shamaness by pressing the R1 button.
Friendship wins Jr.
Meet the friendly NPC
Find the vendor.
Untouchable Jr.
Successfully evade an attack
Attack an enemy and hope that he misses you when he strikes back
What's next? Jr.
Find and use an orb
Find an orb and use it.
The orb has a very low chance of spawning so you will waste most of the time trying to find it
How about an armor? Jr.
Open the first chest
Find a chest and open it.
How about a weapon? Jr.
Open the second chest
Find your second chest and open it.
I know the way Jr.
Try and fail to use a crystal orb
Find an orb and use it 2 times.
The orb has a very low chance of spawning so you will waste most of the time trying to find it
I didn't do nothing! Jr.
Don't do anything for 10 seconds
Stay idle for 10 seconds
Gold Hunter
Find some gold
Find 1 gold on the map.
Trophy Roadmap
Walkthrough 1
Face controller Jr. - Start the game as a champion
Untouchable Jr. - Successfully evade an attack
Gold Hunter - Find some gold
How about an armor? Jr. - Open the first chest
Friendship wins Jr. - Meet the friendly NPC
Walkthrough 2
Bits and bites Jr. - Start the game as a bandit
How about a weapon? Jr. - Open the second chest
Walkthrough 3
Papers of pain Jr. - Start the game as a shamaness
Walkthrough 4
What's next? Jr. - Find and use an orb
I know the way Jr. - Try and fail to use a crystal orb
I didn't do nothing! Jr. - Don't do anything for 10 seconds
Hero of the Castle - Get all other trophies