Astro & Suzy Go to the Beach - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 20 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 - 4 runs
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 1.19 € / 0.99 $
Trophies: 22 (1P, 7G, 14S, 0B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Astro & Suzy Completionist
Get all trophies in Astro & Suzy go to the beach!
Astro & Suzy Go to the Beach is an arcade game published by Indie Remix Studios.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in under 20 minutes depending on the skill:
Catch hamburgers, hot dogs, tacos, catsup, mustard, and salsa, and avoid getting mayo
You must reach at least level 6 so you can get both power ups Astro and the bone. Astro will spawn another dog for a few seconds which you can control with the same stick and the bone makes you invincible and increases your speed.
You must get both powerups at the same time and quickly grab catsup, mustard, and salsa so you can reach x32 bonus
Hamburger Hamburger Hambgurger
Ate first hamburger!
Hot dog!
Ate first hot dog!
Tacos are the best food ever invented!
Ate first taco!
Hurry up and catchup!
First catsup bonus!
Mustard or mouse-turd?
First mustard bonus!
First salsa bonus!
First time hanging out with Astro!
Get Astro powerup.
Keep trying you'll catch it!
First time chasing tails
Get the bone powerup.
Copy cat!
First time chasing tails with Astro
Get both astro and the bone powerups.
Novice burger catcher
reached x4 hamburger bonus
Novice hotdog catcher
reached x4 hotdog bonus
Novice taco catcher
reached x4 taco bonus
Semi-pro burger catcher
reached x8 hamburger bonus
Semi-pro hotdog catcher
reached x8 hotdog bonus
Semi-pro taco catcher
reached x8 taco bonus
Pro hamburger catcher
reached x16 hamburger bonus
Pro hotdog catcher
reached x16 hotdog bonus
Pro taco catcher
reached x16 taco bonus
Best hamburger catcher ever
reached x32 hamburger bonus
You must get both powerups at the same time and quickly grab catsup, mustard, and salsa so you can reach x32 bonus
Best hotdog catcher ever
reached x32 hotdog bonus
Best taco catcher ever
reached x32 taco bonus
Trophy Roadmap
Hamburger Hamburger Hambgurger - Ate first hamburger!
Hurry up and catchup! - First catsup bonus!
Novice burger catcher - reached x4 hamburger bonus
Hot dog! - Ate first hot dog!
Mustard or mouse-turd? - First mustard bonus!
Spicy! - First salsa bonus!
Tacos are the best food ever invented! - Ate first taco!
Novice hotdog catcher - reached x4 hotdog bonus
Novice taco catcher - reached x4 taco bonus
Awwww! - First time hanging out with Astro!
Semi-pro taco catcher - reached x8 taco bonus
Semi-pro burger catcher - reached x8 hamburger bonus
Semi-pro hotdog catcher - reached x8 hotdog bonus
Pro hotdog catcher - reached x16 hotdog bonus
Copy cat! - First time chasing tails with Astro
Keep trying you'll catch it! - First time chasing tails
Pro hamburger catcher - reached x16 hamburger bonus
Best hotdog catcher ever - reached x32 hotdog bonus
Pro taco catcher - reached x16 taco bonus
Best hamburger catcher ever - reached x32 hamburger bonus
Best taco catcher ever - reached x32 taco bonus
Astro & Suzy Completionist - Get all trophies in Astro & Suzy go to the beach!