Assassin's Creed Unity - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Part 4 - Walkthrough: Paris Stories

Difficulty: 3/10
Duration: 50 hours + 5 hours for DLC Offline trophies: 49 + 7 trophies from DLC Online trophies: 2
DLC: 1 (2/10 difficulty) Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 + 1 in DLC Number of missable trophies: None, Free Roam available
Paris Stories
Tall, Dark Strangers
Flamel's Secret: The Monks
Using The Ol' Noggins
Flamel's Secret: Denis Molinier
Flamel's Secret:The Elixir Of Life
The Cult Of Baphomet
The Ritual Of Baphomet
Devilishly Tricky
A La Lanterne!
Sewer Rat
The Great Escapist
Critical Comedown
Iscariotte, The Giant
My Kingdom For Some Whores
De Sade's Reprieve
Sadistic Blackmail
La Bande Noire
A Fistful Of Duelers
Headlining The Guillotine
The Condorcet Method
The League Of The Crimson Rose
Return Of The Crimson Rose
Crimson Sunset
Carmalite Nuns
Flying Boy
Stop The Presses!
Encyclopedie Diderot
Scene Stealer
French Crown Jewels
Cassini's Constellations
The Chemical Revolution
The Little Prince
Desiree Desired
Desiree Dismayed
Desiree Delighted
Constructing A "Close Shave"
Up In Arms
Marianne Returns Home
Arm The People
"Escort" Mission
Tapestry Thief
Coat Of Arms
Swiss Stash
A Romantic Stroll
Signaling Officer Murat
A Nice Chappe
Precious Correspondence
Vicious Verses
Turtle, Snake, Bear, Paper, Scissors
Cartouche's Memoirs