41 Hours - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 7 hours
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 7
Price: 19.99 € / 19.99 $
Trophies: 29 (1P, 7G, 6S, 15B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Super Human
Unlock all other trophies.
41 Hours is an action shooter game published by EastAsiaSoft.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game since most of the trophies will come naturally through normal gameplay, but it is a long and boring game:
Complete the 11 chapters and most of the trophies will come naturally. You also have chapters select in case you have missed a trophy.
There are though some trophies that you will need to keep an eye to, and I would advise to try to get them as soon as possible so after that you can focus only on killing the enemies and completing the game
Get 30 kills with Lea's abilities, you will need to use DPad down and the R2 button at the same time to send Lea to a location and explode there. I would recommend also slow time to avoid the enemies running away from the explosion zone. In case you do not get this trophy in the first mission where you have Lea with you, do not worry, she will return in chapter 10.
Kill 5 enemies only with barrels, i unlocked this trophy by shooting with explosive ammo near enemies.
Kill 10 enemies while sliding, you can slide attack by keep pressing the L3 button to run towards an enemy, and when you are close to him, press the R3 button to do a slide attack
Get 31 headshot kills, going for headshots will do more damage, but keep in mind you need 31 headshot kills
Kill 6 enemies using a headshot from more than 50m distance, equip the sniper scope on your weapons and kill 6 enemies with a headshot from a long distance
Chapter 01
Complete chapter 01.
Chapter 02
Complete chapter 02.
Chapter 03
Complete chapter 03.
Chapter 04
Complete chapter 04.
Chapter 05
Complete chapter 05.
Chapter 06
Complete chapter 06.
Chapter 07
Complete chapter 07.
Chapter 08
Complete chapter 08.
Chapter 09
Complete chapter 09.
Chapter 10
Complete chapter 10.
Chapter 11
Complete chapter 11.
Hunter I
Kill 15 enemies with your guns.
Hunter II
Kill 45 enemies with your guns.
Hunter III
Kill 90 enemies with your guns.
This should come naturally since guns are your main way to kill enemies.
I unlocked this trophy in chapter 3.
Companion I
Get 10 kills with Lea's abilities.
Companion II
Get 20 kills with Lea's abilities.
Companion III
Get 30 kills with Lea's abilities.
You will need to use DPad down and the R2 button at the same time to send Lea to a location and explode there.
I would recommend also slow time to avoid the enemies running away from the explosion zone.
In case you do not get this trophy in the first mission where you have Lea with you, do not worry, she will return in chapter 10.
I unlocked this trophy in chapter 10.
Collector I
Collect 12 ammo packs.
Collector II
Collect 24 ammo packs.
Collector III
Collect 48 ammo packs.
This should come naturally since guns are your main way to kill enemies and you need ammo for them.
I unlocked this trophy in chapter 5.
Coming of age
Get 3,000 xp.
XP will come naturally throughout the game.
I unlocked this trophy in chapter 6.
Demolition man
Kill 5 enemies only with barrels.
I unlocked this trophy by shooting with explosive ammo near enemies.
I unlocked this trophy in chapter 1.
Dashing through the snow
Kill 10 enemies while sliding.
You can slide attack by keep pressing the L3 button to run towards an enemy, and when you are close to him, press the R3 button to do a slide attack.
I unlocked this trophy in chapter 4.
Getting Better
Buy your first upgrade.
This trophy will come naturally as part of the story in chapter 1 since you have an objective to buy the scope upgrade.
Secret deals
Find and collect 3 intellisnippets.
This trophy will come naturally as part of the story in chapter 1 since you have an objective to find and collect 3 intellisnippets.
True marksmanship
Get 31 headshot kills.
Going for headshots will do more damage, but keep in mind you need 31 headshot kills.
I unlocked this trophy in chapter 4.
Time flies
Kill 21 enemies while the time is slowed down.
You can slow down time by pressing the DPad right button.
This trophy should come naturally since slowing down time is the best way to survive in this game.
I unlocked this trophy in chapter 2.
Kill 6 enemies using a headshot from more than 50m distance.
Equip the sniper scope on your weapons and kill 6 enemies with a headshot from a long distance.
I unlocked this trophy in chapter 4.
Trophy Roadmap
Hunter I - Kill 15 enemies with your guns.
Secret deals - Find and collect 3 intellisnippets.
Getting Better - Buy your first upgrade.
Demolition man - Kill 5 enemies only with barrels.
Companion I - Get 10 kills with Lea's abilities.
Chapter 01 - Complete chapter 01.
Collector I - Collect 12 ammo packs.
Time flies - Kill 21 enemies while the time is slowed down.
Hunter II - Kill 45 enemies with your guns.
Companion II - Get 20 kills with Lea's abilities.
Chapter 02 - Complete chapter 02.
Collector II - Collect 24 ammo packs.
Hunter III - Kill 90 enemies with your guns.
Chapter 03 - Complete chapter 03.
Sniper - Kill 6 enemies using a headshot from more than 50m distance.
True marksmanship - Get 31 headshot kills.
Dashing through the snow - Kill 10 enemies while sliding.
Chapter 04 - Complete chapter 04.
Collector III - Collect 48 ammo packs.
Chapter 05 - Complete chapter 05.
Coming of age - Get 3,000 xp.
Chapter 06 - Complete chapter 06.
Chapter 07 - Complete chapter 07.
Chapter 08 - Complete chapter 08.
Chapter 09 - Complete chapter 09.
Companion III - Get 30 kills with Lea's abilities.
Chapter 10 - Complete chapter 10.
Chapter 11 - Complete chapter 11.
Super Human - Unlock all other trophies.